Dr Shreya Sriram is the first president and the founding memeber of Aveksha for seva.
Kids of rural India were encouraged to take part in an awareness campaign to promote overall wellbeing.
As the associate consultant from the Mayo clinic, Dr Poigai aimed to create an impact by bringing technology to rural India.
The first medical camp was conducted at Yeldur, where 200 patients were given free medicine and access to primary healthcare services.
The international medical conference was conducted to promote the lessons and provide a platform for innovation, in association with the Mission Brain foundation.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B31kdlpfQk&t=2s
A neurosurgery workshop aimed at providing an update of the tools used in NIMHANS.
Dr. Ranjan Jay was the first volunteer doctor to serve for four months at Yeldur, a village in Karnataka.
Dr Vinyas S V was the second in line to serve for eight months as a volunteer.
Dr Sajjan was the third in line to volunteer for nine months at the clinic.
Dr Monisha was the fourth in line to volunteer for six months at the clinic.
Dr Pooja was the fifth in line to volunteer for eight months at the clinic.
Collaboration to provide awareness among school children.
Link: https://yashodhaeducationandcharitabletrust.org/
Global healthcare innovation center to advance the state of healthcare in rural india
Chapter meetings with Italy, China, Bulgaria and Mexico.
Awareness campaign to promote exercise and healthy living.